第 49 卷第 3 期Vol. 49 No. 3
2019 年 6 月Jun 2019


祝占根,单帅峰,金俊涛,杨彩霞,厉梦琳,厉 昆* (浙江普洛得邦制药有限公司,浙江 东阳 322118)
摘 要:以乙酸异丙酯为溶剂,无水氯化钙为干燥剂,四丁基溴化铵为相转移催化剂,1-氯乙基异丙基碳酸酯与碘化钠直接反应得到1-碘乙基异丙基碳酸酯,纯度93%(GC面积归一法),收率74%。方法操作简便,溶剂毒性低、易回收,成本低,产物纯度高,适合工业生产。
中图分类号:R978.5  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2019)03-0028-03
Synthesis of 1-Iodoethylisopropyl Carbonate
ZHU Zhan-gen, SHAN Shuai-feng, JIN Jun-tao, YANG Cai-xia, LI Meng-lin, LI Kun* (Zhejiang Puluo Debang Pharmaceutical Co., LTD., Dongyang 322118, China)
Abstract:1-Chloroethylisopropyl carbonate, with 1-methylethylethanoate as solvent, tetrabutylammonium bromide as phase transfer catalyst and calcium chloride as desiccant, was directly reacted with sodium iodide to obtain 1-iodoethylisopropyl carbonate with a purity of 93% (area%) and a molar yield of 74%. This method is easy to operate; the solvent is easy to recover; the cost is low; and the purity of the product is high. All above indicates this method is suitable for industrial production.
Key words:1-iodoethylisopropyl carbonate; 1-chloroethylisopropyl carbonate; synthesis
联 系 人:厉 昆,教授级高工,硕士,主要从事头孢药物合成研究和工艺优化(E-mail:kun.li@apeloa.com)。