第 49 卷第 3 期Vol. 49 No. 3
2019 年 6 月Jun 2019


梁 海,李春宇,赵志刚 (营创三征(营口)精细化工有限公司 研发中心,辽宁 营口,115003)
摘 要:以氰化钠和硫磺为起始原料,在相转移催化剂作用下,合成了硫氰酸钠。探索了反应物配比和温度对产品质量及收率的影响。提出了硫氰酸钠合成过程中三废的回用。优化工艺条件为:物料比n(硫磺)∶n(氰化钠)=1.25∶1.00,反应温度为95℃,催化剂选用苄基三乙基氯化铵,催化剂添加量为0.4%,反应时间90 min,收率为97%左右。进一步进行废渣废液套用实验研究,实现了废渣废液的资源化,为工业化提供了实验依据。
中图分类号:O621  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2019)03-0060-03
Synthesis of Sodium Thiocyanate and the Recycling of Wastes
LIANG Hai, LI Chun-yu, ZHAO Zhi-gang (Ynnovate Sanzheng (Yingkou) Fine Chemicals Co., Ltd., Liaoning 115003, China)
Abstract:Sodium thiocyanate was synthesized from the reaction of sodium cyanide with sulfur under the action of phase transfer catalyst. The effects of reactant ratio, temperature, product quality and yield were investigated. Proposed the retrieval and utilization of wastes produced in this synthesis process of sodium thiocyanate. The experimental results from single factor experiments showed that the optimum process conditions were as followingr: material ratio of n(sulfur) to n(sodium cyanide) was of 1.25∶1.00; the reaction temperature was of 95℃; benzyl triethyl ammonium chloride was selected as catalyst with a content of 0.4%; the reaction time was of 90 min; the yield was up to 97%. Solid and liquid wastes were fully realized the utilization. This report provides an experiment basis for industrialization.
Key words:NaSCN; resource of three wastes; reuse
作者简介:梁 海(1987-),男,辽宁营口人,工程师,硕士,研究方向:精细化工中间体(E-mail:lianghaipost@163.com)。