第 49 卷第 3 期Vol. 49 No. 3
2019 年 6 月Jun 2019


吴 洁1,杨 俊2,3,张 珏2,3,李继新1,梁光平2,3* (1. 贵州中医药大学 药学院,贵州 贵阳 550025;2 .遵义医药高等专科学校 药学系,贵州 遵义 563006;3. 贵州省野生药用植物资源持续利用协同创新中心,贵州 遵义 563006)
摘 要:采用气相色谱-质谱法对宽叶香茶菜石油醚提取物的组成成分进行研究。结果表明,从提取物的甲酯化和非甲酯化样品中共鉴定出65种成分。非甲酯化样品中鉴定了48种,包括22个酯类、18个萜类及其衍生物、6个烃类和2个甾体化合物,占出峰面积的77.79%。其中,萜类及其衍生物的相对含量总和占流出峰总面积的54.84%,α-香树脂酮(18.08%)、γ-Sitostenone(15.89%)、β-香树脂酮(15.34%)含量丰富。甲酯化样品鉴定出17种成分,油酸甲酯、棕榈酸甲酯的相对含量超过了15%。所鉴定的化合物均首次从宽叶香茶菜地上部分检测到,结果为该植物的开发利用提供了科学依据。
中图分类号:R917  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2019)03-0069-04
GC-MS Analysis of Petroleum Ether Extracts from Rabdosia latifolia
WU Jie1, YANG Jun2,3, ZHANG Jue2,3, LI Ji-xin1, LIANG Guang-ping2,3* (1.College of Pharmacy, Guizhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Guiyang 550025, China; 2. Department of Pharmacy, Zunyi Medical and Pharmaceutical College, Zunyi 563006, China; 3. Collaborative Innovation Center for Sustainable Utilization of Wild Medicinal Plant Resources in Guizhou Province, Zunyi 563006, China)
Abstract:The chemical constituent of petroleum ether extracts from Rabdosia latifolia was analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The results of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry showed that 48 components from the non-methylated samples, including 22 esters, 18 terpenes and their derivatives, 6 hydrocarbons and 2 steroids. Among them, the sum of the relative content of terpenoids and their derivatives accounts for 54.84 % of the total outflow peak area, and the contents of α-amyrone (18.08 %), γ-Sitostenone (15.89 %) and β-amyrone (15.34 %) are abundant. Meanwhile, 17 ingredients were identified from the methylated samples, and the relative content of methyl oleate and methyl palmitate exceeded 15 %. All identified compounds were detected for the first time from Rabdosia latifolia. And the results provide scientific basis for the development and utilization of the plant.
Key words:Rabdosia latifolia; petroleum ether extraction; GC-MS; constituent analysis
基金项目: 贵州省科技合作计划资助项目(黔科合LH字[2016]7114号),贵州省职业教育质量提升工程计划项目(黔教办职成函[2019]7号)、遵义医专自然科学科技项目(遵医专科合[2017]010号)。
作者简介: 吴 洁(1989-),女,贵州贵阳人,硕士,研究方向:主要从事中药及民族药的开发利用(E-mail:915313894@qq.com)。
联 系 人: 梁光平,副教授,博士,主要从事天然产物的研究与开发(E-mail:guangping_liang@aliyun.com)。
收稿日期: 2019-06-1