第 32 卷第 5 期Vol. 32 No. 5
2002 年 10 月Oct 2002


刘群; 余伟明(长岭炼油化工有限责任公司设备研究所; 湖南岳阳; 414012)
摘 要:提出一种用磺基水杨酸作显色剂测定循环水中铁的新方法 ,结果表明 :此方法所用仪器简单 ,所需药剂很少 ,简便快速 ,且具有较高的准确性 ,可在生产实际中应用
关键词:磺基水杨酸; 光度法; 铁
中图分类号:O661.1  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2002)05-0041-02
Determination of Iron in Cycle Water With Sulphosalicylic Acid Spectrophotometer
LIU Qun; YU Wei ming.(Equipment Research Institute; Changling Petrochemical Co. Ltd.; Yueyang; 414012; China)
Abstract:A new method for the determination of total iron by using sulphosalicylic acid as color reagent in cycle water was developed. The results indicates that the method is rapidly, accurate and convenient.
Key words:sulphosalicylic acid; photometric determination; iron