第 49 卷第 6 期Vol. 49 No. 6
2019 年 12 月Dec 2019


田 姣,酒红芳*,徐倩文,卫 郝,孙 瑜,李希雅 (中北大学 理学院,山西 太原 030051)
摘 要:通过老化、煅烧以及熔融扩散法合成了NiFe@C@S复合材料,使用XRD、拉曼、红外以及热重对样品的形貌、结构和载硫量进行分析,并将其用于锂硫电池进行电化学性能研究,结果表明,复合材料中含硫量约66.26%,在0.1C和0.5C电流密度下,复合电极均表现出了良好的循环稳定性和高库伦效率
中图分类号:TB333  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2019)06-0058-06
Double-shell Carbon-coated NiFe Alloy Nanoparticles Derived from Dopamine-coated Prussian Blue Analogues for High-efficiency Lithium-sulfur Batteries
TIAN jiao, JIU Hong-fang*, XU Qian-wen, WEI Hao, SUN Yu, LI Xi-ya (School of Science, North University of China, Taiyuan 030051, China)
Abstract:NiFe @ C @ S composites were synthesized by aging, calcination and melt diffusion methods. XRD, Raman, infrared and thermogravimetry were used to analyze the morphology, structure and sulfur loading of the samples. It was also tested the electrochemical performance in assembled lithium-sulfur batteries. The results showed that the sulfur content of the composite material reached about 66.26%, and the composite electrode showed good cycle stability and high Coulomb efficiency at both 0.1C and 0.5C current densities.
Key words:NiFe@C@S; lithium-sulfur battery; core-shell; electrochemical performance
作者简介:田 姣(1993-),女,山西临汾人,硕士研究生,研究方向:锂硫电池电极材料(E-mail:173162764@qq.com)。
联 系 人:酒红芳,教授,研究方向:无机纳米功能复合材料(E-mail:hongfangjiu@163.com)