第 42 卷第 5 期Vol. 42 No. 5
2012 年 10 月Oct 2012


彭长春,张庆云,胡俊明 (湖南海利 株洲精细化工有限公司,湖南 株洲 412005)
摘 要:采用高效金属丝网填料塔,通过减压精馏的方法从邻仲丁基酚精馏残液中分离其副产物2,6-二仲丁基酚,可得98.0%以上的2,6-二仲丁基酚产品,收率达85%。通过对精馏过程中馏出物组成与操作参数的变化规律的研究,给出了2,6-二仲丁基酚产品采出时适宜的工艺控制参数:塔顶压力P控制在532~798 Pa,回流比R控制在4~6。实验结果表明采用逐步降低塔内压强的操作方法对于提高2,6-二仲丁基酚产品的收率具有明显的效果。
中图分类号:TQ224.7  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2012)05-0063-03
Recovery of 2,6-Bis(sec-butyl)Phenol from the Distilled Residue of Ortho-secondary Butyl Pheno
PENG Chang-chun*1,ZHANG Qing-yun2,HU Jun-min2 (Zhuzhou Fine Chemical Co.,Ltd. of Hunan Haili,Zhuzhou 412005,China)
Abstract:2,6-Bis(sec-butyl)phenol with an average content of 98.0% was obtained in 85% yield from the distilled residue of ortho-secondary butyl phenol by vacuum distillation with high efficient filling tower packed with wire net. The instantaneous concentration of 2,6-bis(sec-butyl)phenol reached up to 99.2% during the distillation. The optimized parameters include the tower top pressure of 4~6 mmHg and the reflux ratio of 4~6. Experiments showed that to decrease the tower pressure in gradient steps improved the yield of the target product.
Key words:2,6-Bis(sec-butyl)phenol;vacuum distillation;optimized parameters