第 50 卷第 1 期Vol. 50 No. 1
2020 年 2 月Feb 2020


姜 红,刘琳琪*,夏宇博,吕 超,赵晨曦 (长沙学院 生物与环境工程学院,湖南 长沙 410022)
摘 要:为了将丹参-葛根药对粗提物进一步加工成抗氧化保健品,研究该粗提物的大孔树脂纯化工艺。以丹酚酸B、葛根素含量为指标,通过对九种大孔树脂的静态吸附量和解吸率的考察,筛选出合适的树脂,优化纯化工艺。同时采用DPPH自由基法测定粗提物、纯化物的抗氧化活性。结果表明:D101型大孔树脂的纯化工艺为:上样浓度30 mg·mL-1,上样量2 BV,除杂剂水用量为3 BV,洗脱剂乙醇浓度为50%,用量为3.5 BV。经树脂纯化后,丹酚酸B和葛根素的含量分别提高了3.33倍、4.03倍,多糖含量明显降低,丹参-葛根提取物清除DPPH自由基的IC50由0.048 3 mg·mL-1降至0.010 4 mg·mL-1,抗氧化能力显著增强。该纯化工艺有效地提高了丹酚酸B和葛根素的含量,利于抗氧化保健品的研发。
中图分类号:R284.2  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2020)01-0055-06
Purification and Antioxidant of Extracts from Salviae Miltiorrhizae and Radix Puerariae by Macroporous Resin
JIANG Hong, LIU Lin-qi*, XIA Yu-bo, LV Chao, ZHAO Chen-xi (Department of Biological and Environmental Engineering, Changsha University, Changsha 410022, China)
Abstract:Antioxidant products were obtained using Salvia miltiorrhiza and Radix puerariae as the raw materials, the purification process of extracts by macroporous resin was studied. Monitoring the contents of salvianolic acid B and puerarin the appropriate resins were screened through the static adsorption capacity and desorption rate of 9 kinds of macroporous resins, and the purification process was optimized. The antioxidant activities of crude extracts and purified products were also determined by DPPH free radicals method. The optimized conditions of D101 macroporous resin were as followings: a crude drug concentration of Salviae miltiorrhizae-Radix puerariae of 30 mg·mL-1, a loading quantity of the sample of 2 BV, water as cleaning agent of 3 BV and 50% ethanol eluting phase of 3.5 BV. The content of salvianolic acid B and puerarin was increased by 3.33 times and 4.03 times, respectively after resin purification; polysaccharide was greatly reduced. Meanwhile, the IC50 of extracts from Salvia miltiorrhiza and Radix puerariae on the scavenging ability of DPPH radical decreased from 0.0483 mg·mL-1 to 0.010 4 mg·mL-1. It indicated that the antioxidant capacity of the purified extracts increased significantly. The purification process effectively increased the content of salvianolic acid B and puerarin, which is crucial to antioxidant product development.
Key words:purification process; salvianolic acid B; puerarin; macroporous resin; antioxidant
作者简介:姜 红(1999-),女,湖南宁乡人,研究方向:植物活性成分的研究(E-mail:2644356131@qq.com)。
联 系 人:刘琳琪,实验师,研究方向:植物活性成分的研究(E-mail:linqi.liu@163.com)。