第 32 卷第 5 期Vol. 32 No. 5
2002 年 10 月Oct 2002


刘建本; 陈德根; 张永康; 肖卓炳; 陈上; 吴竹青(吉首大学生命科学与化学学院; 湘西自治州外贸化工厂; 湖南吉首; 416000)
摘 要:以硫酸锌和碳酸氢铵为原料 ,在 12 0℃条件下反应 ,经洗涤、4 0 0℃煅烧 1h后得到纳米氧化锌。用X 粉末衍射、透射电镜、比表面积、光散射性进行了表征。结果表明纳米氧化锌平均粒晶为 9 5nm ,平均比表面积为 6 8 0 5m2 / g。初步探索了制备过程中反应温度、时间等因素对纳米粒子的大小、分散程度的影响
关键词:气-固相反应; 纳米氧化锌; 制备
中图分类号:TQ132.4  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2002)05-0026-02
Preparation of Nanometer-Sized ZnO Particles by Gas-Solid Phase Reaction
LIU Jian ben 1; CHEN De gen 2; et al.(1.College of life Science & Chemistry; Jishou University; Hunan Jishou 416000; 2.Chemical Industry factory of foreign trade; Hunan Jishou; 416000; China)
Abstract:In this work, nanometer sized ZnO particles were prepared by gas solid phase reaction with ZnSO 4 and NH 4HCO 3. The reaction mixture was at 120℃ for 1h, and then the powder washing with water, and heat treated at 600℃ for 1h. The particles were characterized by XRD, TEM, BET and scattering of light. The results indicate that the average size of nanometer sized particles is around 9.5nm, and average surface area is about 60.05m 2/g. The influence of reaction on the synthesizing process and final pow...
Key words:gas solid phase reaction; nanometer sized ZnO; preparation