第 32 卷第 5 期 |  | Vol. 32 No. 5 | 2002 年 10 月 | Oct 2002 |
室温熔盐溴化丁基吡啶和氟硼酸根丁基吡啶的制备及性能研究 |
潘春跃; 徐先华; 刘清泉(中南大学功能材料化学研究所; 湖南长沙; 410083) |
摘 要:合成了室温熔盐溴化丁基吡啶和氟硼酸根丁基吡啶 ,通过红外光谱鉴定它们具有季铵盐结构 ,采用数字电导率仪和交流阻抗方法分别测定了其电导率。将溴化丁基吡啶与醋酸锂复合后 ,电导率随锂盐含量的增加而逐渐下降 ,当摩尔比为 1∶3时 ,室温下电导率从 8.78×10 -4S/cm下降到 1.84×10 -4S/cm。 |
关键词:室温熔盐; 离子电导率; 溴化1-正丁基吡啶; 氟硼酸根1-正丁基吡啶 |
中图分类号:TQ253.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-9212(2002)05-0022-02 |
The Study of Preparation and Performance of BP~+Br~-and BP~+BF_4~- Room Temperature Molten Salts |
PAN Chun yue; et al.(Functional Material Chemistry Institute CSU Changsha; 410083; China) |
Abstract:In this paper, 1 butyl pyridinium bromide(BPBr) and 1 butylpyridinium tetrafluoroborate(BPBF 4) were synthesized, Their chemical structure were determined and analysed by means of infrared spectroscopy and the result showed that they have the structure of quaternaries, The conductivity of BPBr and BPBF 4 were determined by digital conductivity instrument and Ac impetance methods. The conductivity of the complex of BPBr and LiAc decreased when the content of LiAc increased. The conductivity of complex(BP... |
Key words:molten salt; ionic conductivity; 1 butylpyridinium bromide; 1 butylpyridinium tetrafluoroborate |
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