第 50 卷第 6 期Vol. 50 No. 6
2020 年 12 月Dec 2020


高 磊,杨德志 (遵义医科大学 药学院,贵州 遵义 563000)
摘 要:针对多替拉韦合成方法中大量使用甲醇、氢化锂和乙腈等毒性大、成本高、危险性大的试剂的缺点,进行了工艺改进,改进后的合成工艺中,甲醇用量降低42%,同时使用更加安全、低毒性的甲醇钠和碳酸二甲酯试剂替代氢化锂和乙腈。改进后的工艺方法毒性小,成本低,三废少。
中图分类号:TQ460.6  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2020)06-0049-04
Synthesis of Dolutegravir
GAO Lei, YANG De-zhi (Department of Pharmacy, Zunyi Medical University, Zunyi 563000, China)
Abstract:Dolutegravir is a new type of anti-AIDS drug which was prepared using a lot of toxic, costly, and dangerous reagents such as methanol, lithium hydride, and acetonitrile. This process was designed to overcome the above shortcomings. In this method, the methanol dosage was reduced by 42% compared to the recent reported method and safer and less toxic reagents was used to replace lithium hydride and acetonitrile. This improved process has low toxicity, low cost, less industrial wastes, high safety.
Key words:Dolutegravir; HIV; intermediates; synthesis
作者简介:高 磊(1984—),男,山东青岛人,实验师,硕士,研究方向:仿制药物的合成与修饰(E-mail:79725898@qq.com)。
收稿日期: 2020-10-2