第 51 卷第 1 期Vol. 51 No. 1
2021 年 2 月Feb 2021


吴 兴1,3,阳学文2*,刘永权3,马向红2,何军芳2,谭跃浪2,厉 昆2* (1. 横店集团控股股份有限公司,浙江 东阳 322118;2. 浙江普洛得邦制药有限公司,浙江 东阳 322118;3. 浙江普洛家园药业有限公司,浙江 东阳 322118)
摘 要:研究了含三乙胺催化剂的头孢废水,采用液碱调废水pH为11~12,以常压蒸出将三乙胺蒸出收集,同时对废水中具有抑菌性的活性物质进行了降解,使得废水中三乙胺去除率可达99%以上,CODcr去除率超过80%,使废水可生化降解,同时资源化回收了三乙胺。
中图分类号:X703  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2021)01-0055-03
Study on Resource Utilization of Triethylamine in Cephalosporin Wastewater
WU Xing1,3, YANG Xue-wen2*,LIU Yong-quan3,MA Xiang-hong2,HE Jun-fang2,TAN Yue-lang2,LI Kun2* (1. Hengdian Group Holding Co.,Ltd., Dongyang 322118, China; 2. Zhejiang Apeloatospo Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd., Dongyang 322118,China; 3. Zhejiang Apeloa Jiayuan Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd., Dongyang 322118,China)
Abstract:The cephalosporin wastewater containing triethylamine catalyst was studied. The pH of the wastewater was adjusted to 11~12 by liquid alkali, and the triethylamine was evaporated and collected by evaporation at atmospheric pressure. Meanwhile, the antibacterial active substances in the wastewater were degraded. The removal rate of triethylamine and CODcr in the wastewater was more than 99% and 80%, respectively. The target of biodegradation of wastewater was achieved, and triethylamine was recovered as a resource with this low-cost pretreatment technology.
Key words:cephalosporin wastewater; triethylamine; pretreatment
作者简介:吴 兴(1972—),男,浙江东阳人,高级工程师,主要从事药物研究和生产(E-mail:john.wu@hengdian-group.com)。
联 系 人:阳学文,硕士,主要从事药物研究和工艺优化(E-mail:Xuewen yang@apeloa.com);厉昆,主要从事头孢药物合成研究和优化(E-mail:kun.li@apeloa.com)。