第 51 卷第 2 期Vol. 51 No. 2
2021 年 4 月Apr 2021


章和平,尹 谦,徐先金,陈 刚,杜 端 (湖北驰顺化工有限公司,湖北 阳新 435200)
摘 要:以五硫化二磷为起始原材料,经醇解、催化条件下氯化得到高品质O,O-二甲基硫代磷酰氯。优化条件下,产品含量达99%,总收率达80%。该方法无需碱解、通氯量少、废水量少。适合于工业化生产。
中图分类号:S482.3+3  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2021)02-0032-03
Synthesis of High Quality O,O-Dimethylthiophosphoryl Chloride
ZHANG He-ping, YIN Qian, XU Xian-jin, CHEN Gang, DU Rui (Hubei Chishun Chemicals Industry Co.,Ltd., Yangxin 435200, China)
Abstract:High quality O,O-dimethylthiophosphoryl chloride was systhesized by alcoholysis and chlorination using phosphorus pentasulfide as starting material. The advantages include no alkali hydrolysis, less chlorine flux, less waste water and high product content. Under the optimum conditions, the target compound was obtained with purity of 99%, and the total yield is 80%. This method is suitable for industrial production.
Key words:phosphorus pentasulfide; O,O-dimethylthiophosphoryl chloride; catalytic; synthesis