第 51 卷第 4 期Vol. 51 No. 4
2021 年 8 月Aug 2021


刘 玺,邢建峰* (西安交通大学 药学院,陕西 西安 710061)
摘 要:研究了注射用尼可地尔的处方及冻干生产工艺。采用单因素实验方法,以冻干粉针剂的性状、pH、含量及有关物质等为考察指标,对处方中赋形剂的类型、用量、pH范围及冻干工艺参数进行筛选及优化。获得了优化处方及冻干工艺:制备规格为12 mg的注射用尼可地尔,甘露醇作为赋形剂,加入量为18 mg,pH范围为6.5~7.5,选择2次退火,退火温度为-15 ℃,退火保持时间为2 h,制备的冻干粉针剂成型性好、易复溶。该制剂处方工艺设计合理,工艺路线可行,为注射用尼可地尔的处方及工艺筛选提供借鉴。
中图分类号:O657  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2021)04-0013-04
Freeze-drying Technology for the Preparation of Injection-nicorandil
LIU Xi, XING Jian-feng* (School of Pharmacy, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710061, China)
Abstract:The formulation and freeze-drying process of nicorandil used for injection were studied. Single factor experiment was used to optimize the excipient type, dosage, pH range and parameters for freeze-drying process. The optimal formulation and freeze-drying process were as followings: in 12 mg of nicorandil for injection, 18 mg of mannitol was used with a pH range between 6.5 and 7.5; a second annealing method was selected with a temperature of -15 ℃ and an annealing holding time of 2 h. The freeze-dried powder for injection has good formability and is easy to redissolve. The formulation process of the preparation is reasonable and feasible. This study provides a basis for the prescription and process screening of nicorandil for injection.
Key words:nicorandil for injection; prescription; formulation and preparation technique; freeze-drying; stability
作者简介:刘 玺(1984—),女,陕西西安人,工程师,主要从事制剂研发及药物分析工作(E-mail:404465438@qq.com)。
联 系 人:邢建峰,博士,教授,研究方向:新型药物递送系统研究研究与应用。