第 32 卷第 6 期Vol. 32 No. 6
2002 年 12 月Dec 2002


刘欣(长沙有色冶金设计研究院设备室; 湖南长沙; 410011)
摘 要:针对搅拌设备设计中有关搅拌功率、搅拌槽的传热和固液悬浮搅拌的问题 ,通过自身的设计实践 ,对其中的相关内容和参数 ,提出自己的看法
关键词:搅拌功率; 传热; 固液悬浮
中图分类号:TQ016.5  文献标识码:B  文章编号:1009-9212(2002)06-0048-03
Several Problems in the Design of Stiring Apparatus
LIU Xin. (Changslia Engineering & Research Institute of Nonferrous Metals; Giangsha; 41007 China)
Abstract:According to the problems about the power of stirring appar-tus, the heat-transfer of stirring slot and solid-liquid suspension stir in the stirring apparatus designing. The relevant parameters were suggested.
Key words:stir apparatus; power; heat-transfer; solid-liquid suspension