第 51 卷第 6 期Vol. 51 No. 6
2021 年 12 月Dec 2021


欧阳杰 1, 谢国勇 2*, 郭君康 1, 银董红 2, 尹双凤 1* (1. 湖南大学 化学化工学院, 湖南 长沙 410082 2. 湖南中烟工业有限责任公司 技术中心, 湖南 长沙 410019)
摘 要:以乙烯-醋酸乙烯酣共聚物为壁材, 水为芯材, 采用滴丸机制备了卷烟用水溶性芯材爆珠。 探究 了冷却液组成和温度、 爆珠滴落高度、 壁材粘度、 以及芯材温度等工艺条件对爆珠形状、 壁厚以及包水率的影响。 结果表明, 冷却液中乙醇与水体积比为 100:6, 温度为 25 C, 爆珠滴落高度为 1 cm, 壁材熔融粘度为 200-269 MPa.s, 芯材温度为 65 C时, 可制得圆度好, 壁厚较为均匀的爆珠。 所制得的爆珠包水率可达 80%, 且保水性能优异, 保存 180 d 后, 水分流失率在 2%左右。
关键词: 乙烯-醋酸乙烯酣共聚物; 水溶性芯材爆珠; 爆珠形状; 包水率
中图分类号:TS452  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2021)06-0052-06
Preparation of Water-encapsulated Cigarette Capsule Using Ethylene-vinyl Acetate Copolymer as Wall Material
OU-YANG Jiel, XIE Guo-yong2*, GUO Jun-kangl, YIN Dong-hong2, YIN Shuang-fengl* ( 1. College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China; 2. Technology Center, China Tobacco Hunan Industrial Co., Ltd., Changsha 410019, China)
Abstract:Using ethylene -vinyl acetate copolymer as wall material and water as core material, the water - encapsulated cigarette capsule was prepared by pill dropping machine. The influences of coolant composition and temperature, drop height of the capsule, melt viscosity of wall material and core material temperature on the capsule shape, wall thickness and water content were investigated. The results showed that the cigarette capsules with good roundness and uniform wall thickness could be obtained under optimized following conditions: the volume ratio of ethanol to water in coolant was 100:6; the coolant temperature was of 25 °C; the drop height of the capsule was 1 cm; the melt viscosity of wall material was 200-269 MPa•s, and the temperature of core material was 65 °C. The water content of the as prepared capsules reached 80%, and the water loss rate was less than 2% after a storage time of 180 days indicating an excellent water retention performance.
Key words: ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer; water capsule; capsule shape; water content
作者简介: 欧阳杰(1998—),男,湖南永州人,硕士研究生,研究方向:烟用爆珠制备工艺开发。
联 系 人:尹双凤,教授,博士,研究方向 工业催化(E-mail sf_yin@hnu.edu.cn); 谢国勇,副教授,博士(E-mail xie_guoyong@163.com)。