第 51 卷第 6 期 | | Vol. 51 No. 6 | 2021 年 12 月 | Dec 2021 |
席夫碱荧光探针对水系 Zn2+的实时荧光标记与定量分析 |
朱文旭, 程诗雅, 庞开元, 黄洋洋, 周雨盺, 苗延青, 成 昭 *
(西安医学院 药学院, 西安 710021)
摘 要:为了实现水系 Zn2+的实时梒测与定量分析, 设计以水杨酴苯甲酰踪作为 Zn2+识别基团, 引入具有
特征性吸收的 C=N 键作为荧光发色团, 合成得到一类新型席夫碱 Zn2+荧光探针。 通过 IR、 1H NMR、 MS 表征探针结构, 采用 FS 分析探针光学性质、
探针-Zn2+特异性识别和水系探针-Zn2+荧光 性能。 结果显示, 该荧光探针能够特异性识别 Zn2+, 具有快速响应、 光学信号稳定等优势, 可用于水系
Zn2+的定性检则和定量分析。 在体外 ECV304 细胞荧光共聚焦显微成像实验中, 细胞形态完整且荧光成像效果良好, 记踪探针 Zn2+的荧光 具有 好的
性与n 性, 具有 一 应用于 体中 Zn2+ 示的前景。
锌离子探针; 席夫碱; 即时识别; 实时成像
中图分类号:0622.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-9212(2021)06-0067-06 |
Real Time Monitoring Aqueous Zinc Ions Through Imaging and Quantitative Recognition by Schiff Base
Fluorescent Probe
ZHU Wen-xu, CHENG Shi-ya, PANG Kai-yuan, HUANG Yang-yang, ZHOU Yu-xin, MIAO Yan-qing, CHENG Zhao*
(School of Pharmacy, Xi'an Medical University, Xi'an 710021, China)
Abstract:For a real-time detection and quantitative analysis of aqueous Zn2+, a novel Schiff base
fluorescence Zn2+ probe was prepared by introducing salicylaldehyde benzoyl hydrazine as the
recognition group and C =N as the characteristic fluorescence chromophore. The structure of the
probe was characterized by IR, lH NMR and MS. Optical properties of the probe and aqueous Zn2 +
labeling were analyzed through FS. This synthesized probe demonstrated a specific response towards
Zn2 + and could be used for the qualitative detection and quantitative analysis of aqueous Zn2 +
with fast responses and good light stability. Moreover, fluorescence imaging in living ECV304 cells
identified the probe's instant response, low cytotoxicity and membrane permeability, suggesting the
probe's future applications for instant Zn2+ detection in a clinical diagnosis and dynamic analysis
of Zn2+ in biological systems.
Key words:
Zn2+ probe; Schiff base; instant recognition; real-time imaging
基金项目:陕西省教育厅自然科学项目 (20JK0902), 西安医学院科研项目 (2018PT62), 大学生创新创业训练计划项目(121520039, S202011840039)。
联 系 人:成 昭,副教授,博士,主要从事小分子探针与荧光标记研究(E-mail chengzhao@xiyi.edu.cn)。