第 52 卷第 3 期 |  | Vol. 52 No. 3 | 2022 年 6 月 | Jun 2022 |
双碱软化和电催化氧化处理页岩气采出水研究 |
李 明,唐益洲
(广东海瑞环保科技有限公司,广东 东莞 523808) |
摘 要:针对页岩气采出水水质特点,对其进行了双碱软化和电催化氧化工艺处理研究,对比了碱一Ca(OH)2和NaOH的软化效果,同时考察了碱二NaCO3投加量、电催化氧化pH、电流密度、极板间距等关键参数对处理效果的影响。结果表明,NaOH的软化效果明显优于Ca(OH)2,当pH为11.0,Na2CO3投加量2000 mg/L,经双碱软化处理后,CODCr从757.68 mg/L降至478.14 mg/L,去除率为36.89%,硬度从2400 mg/L降至110 mg/L。电催化氧化的优化参数为:pH为8、电流密度15 mA/cm2、极板间距2 cm,反应30 min,出水CODCr为25.16 mg/L,去除率达94.74%,反应过程电流效率和能耗分别为79.94%和15.92 kW·h/kgCODCr。最终出水水质优于《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB 18918—2002)一级A排放标准。 |
关键词:页岩气采出水;硬度;化学需氧量;双碱软化;电催化氧化 |
中图分类号:X7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-9212(2022)03-0041-05 |
Study on the Treatment of Water from Shale Gas Production by Double Alkali Softening and Electrocatalytic Oxidation |
LI Ming, TANG Yi-zhou
(Guangdong Hai Rui Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd., Dongguan 523808, China) |
Abstract:According to the characteristics of water from shale gas production, a combined process of double alkali softening and electrocatalytic oxidation was used to treat this wastewater. The softening effects of Ca(OH)2 and NaOH were compared, the effects of NaCO3 dosage, pH of electrocatalytic oxidation, current density and electrode distance were also investigated. The results showed that the softening effect of NaOH was obviously better than that of Ca(OH)2, and the suitable parameter was to adjust the pH of 11.0, the optimum dosage of Na2CO3 was 2000 mg/L, after double alkali softening treatment, the CODCr decreased from 757.68 mg/L to 478.14 mg/L, the removal rate was 36.89%, and the hardness also decreased from 2400 mg/L to 110 mg/L. The optimal parameters of electrocatalytic oxidation were as the followings: constant pH was 8; current density was 15 mA/cm2 and electrode distance was 2 cm. Under the above conditions, after 30 minutes, the effluent CODCr was 25.16 mg/L, the removal rate reached 94.74%,the current efficiency and energy consumption of the reaction process were 79.94% and 15.92 kW·h/kg CODCr,respectively. The final effluent quality was better than the first A standard of “Discharge standard of pollutants for municipal wastewater treatment plant” (GB 18918—2002). |
Key words:shale gas produced water; hardness; CODCr; double alkali softening; electrocatalytic oxidation |
作者简介:李 明(1987—),男,湖南常德人,工程师,博士,研究方向:废水处理与水资源循环利用技术(E-mail:lm6313@163.com)。