第 32 卷第 6 期Vol. 32 No. 6
2002 年 12 月Dec 2002


华平; 李建华; 施磊(南通工学院化工系; 226007)
摘 要:研究了固体超强酸SO2 - 4/TiO2 /La3+用于合成马来酸二辛酯。并与硫酸对甲苯磺酸的催化效果比较。考察了Ti/La物质量比、硫酸浓度、焙烧温度对催化剂活性和反应时间对酯化反应的影响。结果表明 :当Ti/La物质量比为 6∶1、浸渍液硫酸浓度为 1 8mol/L、在5 5 0℃下焙烧时具有最高的催化活性 ,用于马来酸酐和正辛醇的酯化反应可得无色透明的酯化产物 ,3h内酯化率达 96 9%。
关键词:固体超强酸; 催化剂; 马来酸二辛酯
中图分类号:  文献标识码:  文章编号:1009-9212(2002)06-0029-03
Synthesis of Dioctyl Meleate by Solid Super Acid SO_4~(2-)/TiO_2/La~(3+) Catalyst
HUA Ping; et at. (Departement of Chemical Engineering; Nantong Institute of Technology; Nantong; 226007; China)
Abstract:Solid super acid catalyst SO 2- 4/TiO 2/La 3+ was prepared and used in synthesizing dioctyl maleate, in comparison with sulfur acid and p-toluene sulfonic acid. The effects of prepared conditions such as the sulfur acid concentration, the temperature and time of bakring on catalytic activity and reaction time on esterifi-calion. The results shew that the catalyst had splendid catalytic activity for the synthesis of dioctyl maleale, immersing 10 hours in 1.8 mol/L. sulfur acid solution, baking 3 ...
Key words:solid super acid; dioclyl melate; esteralificalion