第 52 卷第 4 期 |  | Vol. 52 No. 4 | 2022 年 8 月 | Aug 2022 |
呋虫胺代谢物UF的合成研究 |
郭 会,陈武炼
(上海安谱实验科技股份有限公司,上海 201600) |
摘 要:研究了一种全新的呋虫胺代谢物UF的合成方法,即以N-甲基-1-咪唑甲酰胺和3-氨基甲基四氢呋喃为原料,在有机碱催化下室温反应得到呋虫胺代谢物UF。考察了反应的影响因素,确定了优化反应条件:n(N-甲基-1-咪唑甲酰胺)∶n(3-氨基甲基四氢呋喃)=1.0∶1.0,催化剂使用三乙胺或吡啶,n(催化剂)∶n(N-甲基-1-咪唑甲酰胺)=1.1∶1.0,反应温度为25 ℃,反应时间为18 h,优化条件下,收率达90.5%。产品结构和纯度经核磁共振波谱、质谱和高效液相色谱等仪器表征确定,呋虫胺代谢物UF的纯度>98.0%。该化合物可以作为高纯标准品,用于呋虫胺及其代谢物的残留检测。 |
关键词:呋虫胺代谢物UF;合成;表征;标准品 |
中图分类号:O626.11 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-9212(2022)04-0028-05 |
Synthesis of Dinotefuran Metabolite UF |
GUO Hui, CHEN Wu-lian
(Anpel Laboratory Technologies (Shanghai) Inc., Shanghai 201600, China) |
Abstract:A novel synthetic method of dinotefuran metabolite UF was investigated. The dinotefuran metabolite UF was synthesized from N-methyl-1-imidazolamide and 3-aminomethyltetrahydrofuran using organic base as catalyst. The influencing factors of reaction were investigated and the optimal reaction conditions were determined. Experimental results indicated the optimal condition as followings: the molar ratio of N-methyl-1-imidazolamide to 3-aminomethyltetrahydrofuran was 1.0∶1.0; the catalyst was triethylamine or pyridine, and the molar ratio of catalyst to N-methyl-1-imidazolamide was 1.1∶1.0; the reaction temperature was room temperature; the reaction time was 18 h. Under the above conditions, a yield of the dinotefuran metabolite UF was up to 90.5%. The structure and chemical purity of UF were identified by NMR, MS and HPLC. The chemical purity of dinotefuran metabolite UF was higher than 98.0%. The results showed that the dinotefuran metabolite UF could be used as high purity standard in the determination of dinotefuran and metabolite residue. |
Key words:dinotefuran metabolite UF; synthesis; characterization; standards |
作者简介:郭 会(1989—),男,安徽潜山人,工程师,硕士,研究方向:有机标准品的合成(E-mail:guohui@anpel.com.cn)。