第 52 卷第 6 期Vol. 52 No. 6
2022 年 12 月Dec 2022


黄雪妹,刘耀驰* (中南大学 化学化工学院,湖南 长沙 410083)
摘 要:合成塑料的环境问题突出,生物可降解材料备受重视。淀粉具备量大、无毒、可降解、易改性和易成膜等优点,但其高亲水性和脆性限制了在膜材料领域的应用。淀粉基薄膜的性能与制备方法、淀粉种类和来源、改性方式及添加剂种类等有关。对上述影响因素进行了评述,并对淀粉膜材料主要应用领域进行了介绍。
中图分类号:TB383  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2022)06-0001-09
The Methods and Applications of Starch-based Films: A Review
HUANG Xue-mei, LIU Yao-chi* (School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China)
Abstract:The biodegradable materials have attracted much attention due to the serious environmental problems caused by synthetic plastics. As the most potential base material for biodegradable materials, starch shows many unique and excellent properties such as abundant, non-toxic, degradable, modifiable and easy-to-film. While its high hydrophilicity and brittleness limit its application in the field of membrane materials. The properties of starch-based films are related to preparation methods, types and sources of starch, modification methods and additives, etc. The factors affecting the properties of starch-based films were reviewed in this paper, and the main application fields of starch-based films were briefly introduced.
Key words:starch-based film; food packaging; modified starch; plasticizer
联 系 人:刘耀驰,教授,博士,研究方向:功能材料、环境化学(E-mail:liuyaochi72@163.com)。