第 52 卷第 5 期Vol. 52 No. 5
2022 年 10 月Oct 2022


郭丽娜,张艳娟,侯力嘉,郭 斐,徐玲玲 (辽河油田勘探开发研究院,辽宁 盘锦 124010)
摘 要:化学复合驱油技术是通过降低油水界面张力,改善驱替相的粘度来提高原油采收率。表面活性剂的界面性能是其驱油特性的主要参数。对六种表面活性剂进行了单剂界面活性、复合体系界面活性评价、复合体系增粘性评价,并利用三层非均质模型开展物理模拟实验,评价并比较不同表面活性剂的驱油能力。30 min内达到超低界面张力并快速拉断的表面活性剂,驱油效率最高;30 min内界面张力达到10-2并快速拉断的表面活性剂,驱油效率较高;30 min内能刚刚达到超低界面张力,但2 h内界面张力不再变化的表面活性剂驱油效率最低。实验结果表明,复合体系界面张力数量级、界面张力降低速度、油滴断开时间对提高采收率有较大影响。
中图分类号:TE39  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2022)05-0040-04
Effect of Surfactant Performance on Improving Oil Displacement Efficiency
GUO Li-na, ZHANG Yan-juan, HOU Li-jia, GUO Fei, XU Ling-ling (Liaohe Oil Field Exploration and Development Research Institute, Panjin 124010, China)
Abstract:Chemical composite flooding technology is to improve the yield of crude oil by reducing oil-water interfacial tension and improving the viscosity of displacement phase. The performance of surfactant is decided by its oil displacement characteristics. The single agent interface activity, composite system interface activity and composite system viscosity enhancement of six surfactants were evaluated. Physical simulation experiments were carried out using the three-layer heterogeneous model to evaluate and compare the oil displacement capacity of different surfactants. The surfactant that reached ultra-low interfacial tension and broke quickly within 30 min had the highest oil displacement efficiency. The experimental results showed that the order of magnitude of interfacial tension of the composite system, the reduction rate of interfacial tension and the disconnection time of oil phase had a great impact on EOR.
Key words:surfactant; interfacial tension; oil displacement efficiency