第 52 卷第 5 期Vol. 52 No. 5
2022 年 10 月Oct 2022


张晓贤,李志鹏,张正国*,范黎明*,雷青娟* (中北大学 化学与化工学院,山西 太原 030051)
摘 要:通过溶剂热法合成了MOF-808,并将荧光客体分子曙红Y(EY)引入其通道后,成功制备了一种新型功能复合材料EY@Zr-MOF。采用红外、PXRD对EY@Zr-MOF进行了表征,采用荧光光谱研究了EY@Zr-MOF的固体荧光及对4-NP进行识别检测。结果表明:双发射EY@Zr-MOF可以快速、准确、灵敏地识别4-NP,且在低浓度下,线性关系良好,显示出较低的检测限为57 µmol/L和良好的可回收性能,此外,对该复合材料荧光识别4-NP的猝灭机制进行了探究,为电子转移和共振能量转移共同作用机制。
中图分类号:TB33  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2022)05-0057-06
Preparation of Double Emission EY@Zr MOF Composites and Fluorescence Detection of 4-NP
ZHANG Xiao-xian, LI Zhi-peng, ZHANG Zheng-guo*, FAN Li-ming*, LEI Qing-juan* (North China University, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Taiyuan 030051, China)
Abstract:MOF 808 was prepared by a hydro-thermal method. After introducing fluorescent guest molecule eosin (EY) into its channel, a new functional composite EY@Zr-MOF was successfully prepared. This composite was charaterized by infrared, PXRD and then studied by Solid fluorescence and identification of 4-NP. The results showed that: double emission EY@Zr-MOF was able to recognize 4-NP quickly, accurately and sensitively, and had a good linear relationship at low concentration with a low detection limit of 57 µmol/L and good recyclability. In addition, the quenching mechanism of fluorescence recognition 4-NP of the composite was explored, which belonged to the joint action of electron transfer and resonance energy transfer.
Key words:compound material; double emission; 4-NP; fluorescence detection
联 系 人:张正国,副教授,研究方向:无机材料和生物材料的研究(E-mail:zbdxzzg2006@126.com);范黎明,副教授,研究方向:功能配位聚合物材料的自组装以及性能研究(E-mail:limingfan@nuc.edu.cn);雷青娟,讲师,研究方向:无机纳米材料的研究(E-mail:leiqingjuan@nuc.edu.cn)。