第 53 卷第 1 期Vol. 53 No. 1
2023 年 2 月Feb 2023


陈朝彬1,熊耀奇1,钟龙兴1,李佩瑛2,3,周隆晋2,3,苏胜培2,3* (1. 湖南联塑科技实业有限公司,湖南 宁乡 410600;2. 湖南师范大学 化学化工学院,湖南 长沙 410081;3. 石化新材料与资源精细利用国家地方联合工程实验室,湖南 长沙 410081)
摘 要:使用无水石膏代替碳酸钙作为填料,与聚氯乙烯(PVC)共混制备了耐酸蚀PVC复合材料。当无水石膏添加量为40份时,耐酸蚀PVC复合材料腐蚀度降低为1.63 g/m2,优于耐酸蚀PVC腐蚀度要求。该耐酸蚀材料较添加相同份数碳酸钙的PVC材料相比,热稳定性增加,开始分解温度提升4 ℃,800 ℃质量保留率为碳酸钙复合材料的1.3倍;拉伸强度为33.80 MPa,提高28.0%;弯曲模量为1 051 MPa,降低13.4%,冲击强度为8.86 kJ/m2,降低20.0%。
中图分类号:TB332  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2023)01-0067-05
Preparation and Properties of Acid Corrosion Resistant PVC Composites
CHEN Chao-bin1, XIONG Yao-qi1, ZHONG Long-xing1, LI Pei-ying2,3, ZHOU Long-jin2,3, SU Sheng-pei2,3* (1. Hunan Liansu Technology Industrial Co., Ltd., Ningxiang 410600, China; 2. College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410081, China; 3. National & Local Joint Engineering Laboratory for New Petro-chemical Materials and Fine Utilization of Resources, Changsha 410081, China)
Abstract:Acid corrosion-resistant polyvinyl chloride (PVC) composites were prepared using anhydrous gypsum instead of calcium carbonate as the filler. The advantage was that when the loading of filler is 40, the corrosion degree of the acid corrosion resistant PVC composite material was of 1.63 g/m2, lower than the data required for acid corrosion resistant PVC product. Meanwhile, the decomposition temperature was increased by 4 ℃, and the tensile strength was 33.80 MPa, which was increased by 28.0%. But the bending modulus was 1 051 MPa with a reduction of 13.4%, and the impact strength was 8.86 kJ/m2 with a reduction of 20.0%.
Key words:anhydrous gypsum; acid corrosion resistance; corrosion
联 系 人:苏胜培,教授,博士生导师,研究方向:高分子复合材料(E-mail:sushengpei@yahoo.com)。