第 53 卷第 2 期Vol. 53 No. 2
2023 年 4 月Apr 2023


陈云华1,叶海伟1,童华光2,周丽萍1,王恩建2 (1.台州职业技术学院 化学制药研究所,浙江 台州 318000;2.台州道致科技股份有限公司,浙江 台州 318000)
摘 要:3-(三甲基硅基)丙炔酰氯是合成防治小麦全蚀病杀菌剂硅噻菌胺的重要中间体,以丙炔醇(2)为起始原料,经硅烷化后与格氏试剂发生三甲基硅基交换得3-(三甲基硅基)丙炔醇(4),4经2,2,6,6-四甲基哌啶氧化物(TEMPO)催化氧化得3-(三甲基硅基)丙炔醛(5),5经氯代得3-(三甲基硅基)丙炔酰氯(1),纯度98%(GC),总收率78%。产物经1H NMR、13C NMR和MS结构表征确证。该合成方法反应条件温和、收率较高、经济性好、便于生产,具有工业化前景。
中图分类号:TQ223.2  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2023)02-0023-04
Research on the Synthesis of 3-(Trimethylsilyl)propynoyl Chloride
CHEN Yun-hua1, YE Hai-wei1, TONG Hua-guang2, ZHOU Li-ping1, WANG En-jian2 (1.Chemical Pharmaceutical Research Institute, Taizhou Vocational & Technical College, Taizhou 318000, China; 2.Taizhou Daozhi Tech Co., Ltd., Taizhou 318000, China)
Abstract:3-(Trimethylsilyl)propynoyl chloride is an important intermediate in the synthesis of silthiopham, a fungicide used to control wheat take-all diseases. Propargyl alcohol (2) was used as the raw material that first went through a silanization reaction, which was then followed by a exchange reaction with grignard reagent to prepare 4. The target compound 1 in purity of 98%(GC) and overall yield of 78% was synthesized by oxidation reaction and chlorination reaction form 4, and the structure of the product was characterized by 1H NMR, 13C NMR and MS spectra. The advantages of the present procedure include mild reaction condition, satisfactory yields and easy operation. Therefore it may be promising for industrial application.
Key words:3-(trimethylsilyl)propynoyl chloride; silthiopham; optimization; synthesis
作者简介:陈云华(1966—),男,浙江温岭人,高级工程师,研究方向:药物及中间体合成、工艺优化(E-mail: 1325100132@qq.com)。