第 53 卷第 2 期Vol. 53 No. 2
2023 年 4 月Apr 2023


凌 勇 (中油(新疆)石油工程有限公司,新疆 830000)
摘 要:用硼氢化钠还原氯化铁溶液合成了氧化铁纳米颗粒(IONPs),紫外条件下,IONPs降解合成石油废水,经化学需氧量(COD)测定法评价降解量。结果表明,IONPs/UV对合成石油废水COD的去除效果优于紫外线光单独处理。pH为8的UV光和0.8 g IONPs的组合可以使COD去除率达95.5%。IONPs/UV降解合成石油废水的速度比纯紫外光快1.3~2.0倍。IONPs/UV对合成石油废水COD的去除符合准一级动力学模型,速率常数k在0.013 3~0.026 9 min−1范围。
中图分类号:X74  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2023)02-0076-03
Synthesis of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for UV Degradation of Petroleum Wastewater
LING Yong (CPC (Xinjiang) Petroleum Engineering Co., Ltd., Xinjiang 830000, China)
Abstract:Iron oxide nanoparticles (IONPs) were synthesized by reducing ferric chloride solution with sodium borohydride. The IONPs and UV light were used to degrade synthetic petroleum wastewater. The degradation amount was evaluated by chemical oxygen demand (COD) measurement. The results showed that IONPs/UV had better removal effect on COD of synthetic petroleum wastewater than UV alone. The combination of UV light at pH 8 and IONPs at 0.8 g could achieve a COD removal rate of 95.5%. The IONPs/UV degradation rate of synthetic petroleum wastewater was 1.3~2.0 times faster than that of pure UV light. The removal of COD from synthetic petroleum wastewater by IONPs/UV accords with the quasi-first-order kinetic model, with a rate constant k ranging from 0.013 3 to 0.026 9 min−1.
Key words:iron oxide nanoparticles; photocatalytic; oil wastewater
作者简介:凌 勇(1971—),男,四川蓬溪人,高级工程师,研究方向:石油石化地面工程(E-mail:lichutong123@126.com)。