第 33 卷第 1 期 | | Vol. 33 No. 1 | 2003 年 2 月 | Feb 2003 |
溶剂对硝苯柳胺合成影响的研究 |
柳一鸣; 易健民; 喻新平; 钟明(湖南岳阳师院化学化工系; 414000) |
摘 要:研究了用二甲苯代替氯苯用作合成硝苯柳胺的溶剂 ,实验结果表明 ,用二甲苯不但能降低合成成本、降低溶剂的毒性和污染 ,而且还能使合成工艺得到优化 ,提高产品的纯度和产率 ,具有很好的推广应用价值。 |
关键词:硝苯柳胺; 合成; 二甲苯 |
中图分类号:TQ460.31 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-9212(2003)01-0050-02 |
Improvement of Solvent for Synthesis of Niphensamide |
LIU Yi-ming; et al.(Department of Chemical Engineering; Yueyang University; Hunan Yueyang; 414000; China) |
Abstract:In this paper, the experimental results showed that the solvent of xylene instead benzene chloride for synthesis of Niphensamide can not only reduced the cost of material, the toxicity and polution, but also improved the condition of solvent separation, yield and the recovery of solvent. And the solvent after surparation can be reused without purication. It is suitable to industry production. |
Key words:xyleue; process improvement; solvent; toxicity |
基金项目:世界卫生组织、世界银行、国家卫生部联合科研委员会资助课题;; 国家计划生育委员会科研项目(2002-C1-M-04);湖南省科技厅课题;湖南省教育厅课题
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