第 33 卷第 3 期Vol. 33 No. 3
2003 年 6 月Jun 2003


罗亮明; 李国珍(湖南南天实业股份有限公司; 湖南湘潭; 411103)
摘 要:以阿维菌素和叔丁基二甲基硅基氯为原料合成 5 O 叔丁基二甲基硅基阿维菌素。其优惠工艺条件为 :反应温度 2 0℃ ,反应时间 2h,阿维菌素∶叔丁基二甲基硅基氯 =1∶3(mol/mol) ,产品收率≥ 90 % ,含量≥ 82 %。
关键词:5-O-叔丁基二甲基硅基阿维菌素; 阿维菌素; 叔丁基二甲基硅基氯
中图分类号:TQ459  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2003)03-0031-02
Synthesis of 5-O-t-butyl-dimethysilyl avermectin B1
LUO Liang ming etc.(Hunan Nantian Industry and Commerce Co. Ltd; Xiangtan 411103; China)
Abstract:O t butyl dimethysilyl avermectin B1 was synthesized with avermectin B1 and 5 O t butyl dimethysilyl chloride. The optimum technology condition was follows: The molar ratio of avermection B1 and 5 O t butyl dimethysilyl chloride 1∶3, reaction temperature 20?℃, reaction time 2?h. The yield of product is above 90%, the content of product is above 82%.
Key words:O t butyl dimethysilyl avermection B1; 5 O t butyl dimethysilyl chloride; avermection B1; synthesis