第 33 卷第 4 期Vol. 33 No. 4
2003 年 8 月Aug 2003


余志玲(中石化长岭分公司研究院; 湖南岳阳)
摘 要:采用毛细管气相色谱法测定乙酸异丙酯产品中各组分含量。以OV-101石英毛细管柱为分析柱,用氢火焰离子化检测器(FID)检测,面积归一化法定量,样品回收率在99.01%~101.71%之间,相对标准偏差<5%。分析简便快速,准确度高。为中试装置高浓度产物和产品控制分析提供了有力依据。
关键词:毛细管色谱法; 乙酸异丙酯; 测定
中图分类号:TQ225.24  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2003)04-0048-02
The Determination of Iso-Propyl Acetate by Capillary Gas Chromatography
YU Zhi ling.(Research Institute of Changling Branch of SINOPEC; Yueyang Hunan; 414012; China)
Abstract:A method for quantitative determination of each component in iso propyl acetate was described, by capillary gas chromatography with ov 101 capillary column,flameionization detection and area normalization method. The recovery is between 99.01%~101.71%, the RSD of the method is less than 5%. Analysis results show that the method is simple, rapid, and accurate.
Key words:capillary gas chromatography; component; determination