第 33 卷第 4 期Vol. 33 No. 4
2003 年 8 月Aug 2003


王松; 杨艳霞; 胡三清(江汉石油学院化学工程系; 湖北荆州)
摘 要:将下脚料聚丙烯腈水解,用三甲胺、甲醛进行阳离子化,再用过氧化氢氧化,制得了阳离子度为10.5%的降滤失剂PKC-3。在PKC-3加量为0.5%的情况下可使膨润土基浆的API滤失量较大幅度地降低,抗盐抗污染性能良好,页岩回收率明显高于所评价的其它处理剂,探讨了其作用机理,现场应用表明,效果明显。
关键词:阳离子型处理剂; 降滤失剂; 聚丙烯腈
中图分类号:TE254+.4  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2003)04-0043-03
The Application and Development of a New Type of Cationic Fluid Loss Additive PKC-3
WANG Song; etc.(Department of Chemical Engineering; Jiang Han Petrolaum University; Hubei Jinzhou; 434023; China)
Abstract:The fluid loss additive PKC 3 of 10.5% cationic degree was synthesized from the tailings polyacry lonitrile, which was hydrolyzed, changed to a action by trimethylamine and formaldehyde, and oxidated by H 2O 2. When 0.5% PKC 3 was added into the bentouite base mud, the API filtration was decreased greatly. Its salt resistancy and resistance to fouling was better. Shale rate of recovery was apparently higher than other treating agent appraised, and its role mechanism was discussed. The application of ...
Key words:cationic treating agent; fulid loss additive; polyacry lonitrile