第 33 卷第 4 期Vol. 33 No. 4
2003 年 8 月Aug 2003


叶志文; 吕春绪; 刘祖亮(南京理工大学化工学院; 江苏南京)
摘 要:研究了聚异丁烯丁二酰亚胺作为乳化炸药乳化剂的技术特点,并同常用乳化剂司苯 80作了比较。研究表明,以聚异丁烯丁二酰亚胺作为乳化剂的乳化炸药,具有小而分布均匀的W/O粒子,较强的稳定性及良好的爆炸性能。
关键词:乳化剂; 乳化炸药; 聚异丁烯丁二酰亚胺
中图分类号:TQ560.4  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2003)04-0038-02
Technological Characteristics of Polyisobutylene-Succinimide Used as Emulsifier in Emulsion Explosive
YE Zhi wen; etc(School of Chemical Engneering; Nanjing University of Science and Technology; Nanjing Jiangsu; 210094; China)
Abstract:Technological characteristics of polyisobutylene-succinimide used as emulsifier in emulsion explosive were studied. The results showed that, compared with emulsion explosive emulsified by sp-80, the emulsion explosive emulsified with polyisobutylene-succinimie has smaller W/O type particles size of even distribution, stronger stability, and better explosion properties.
Key words:emulsifier; emulsion explosive; polyisobutylene succinimide