第 33 卷第 6 期Vol. 33 No. 6
2003 年 12 月Dec 2003


叶方青; 蔡春; 吕春绪; 罗军(南京理工大学化工学院; 江苏南京)
摘 要:以间二硝基苯为反应底物,探讨了氟代脱硝合成间硝基氟苯中反应溶剂、反应时间等因素对收率的影响。该法是一种新型的合成芳香氟化物方法,与传统的方法相比较,具有反应容易、工艺简单等优点。
关键词:氟代脱硝; 芳香氟化物; 反应体系
中图分类号:O621.25  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2003)06-0027-02
The Initial Study on the Fluorodenitration to Prepare Fluoroaromatic Compounds
YE Fang qing; etc(School of Chemical Engineering; Nanjing University of Science and Technology; Nanjing Jiangsu 210094; China)
Abstract:Fluorodenitration is a new type of preparing fluoroaromatic compounds. Compared to traditional methods, it has many advantages, such as easily reacting and simply producing, etc. In the article, using m dinitrobenzene as a reaction marterial, the effect of reacting solvent, reacting time, and some other factors on yield was studied in fluorodenitration to prepare m nitrofluorobenzene.
Key words:fuorodenitration; fluoroaromatic compounds; reaction system