第 34 卷第 1 期Vol. 34 No. 1
2004 年 2 月Feb 2004


朱长生;段正康;Z.S.Liu; G.L.Rempel(Department of Chemical Engineering Xiangtan University;Changsha Aeronautical Vocational and Technical College;410014;China;Food & Industrial oil Research;Department of Chemical Engineering,University of Waterloo)
中图分类号:TQ028.1+5  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2004)01-0051-03
Removal of Mercury from Dilute Aqueous Solution Using Mercaptoacetimide of Aminophenol Resin Duolite A-7
C.S.Zhu,Z.K.Duan,Z.S.Liu,G.L.Rempel(Department of Chemical Engineering Xiangtan University;Changsha Aeronautical Vocational and Technical College;410014;China;Food & Industrial oil Research;Department of Chemical Engineering,University of Waterloo)
Abstract:A mercaptan-containing resin, DMO-M, with high redox capacity- 6.00 mequiv / g, prepared by reacting mercaptoacetyl chloride with the aminophenol resin Duolite A-7 in free-base form has been used to remove mercury in dilute aqueous solution. The resin has high mercury removal capacity; 1200mg/g. Sodium chloride affects the equilibrium sorption of mercury on the resin. At lower pH values, below 1.76, mercury sorption of the resin was greatly reduced. The sorbed mercury is partially removed by 2?mol/L HCl sol...
Key words:Mercaptan-containing resin; mercury; sodium chloride; striping