第 34 卷第 1 期Vol. 34 No. 1
2004 年 2 月Feb 2004


李林杰; 李劲松; 李亚文(西安科技大学; 五邑大学; 240信箱陕西西安; 广东江门)
摘 要:谷甾醇是抗非典药糖皮质激素的关键中间体,其市场需求量将显著增长。中国的竞争策略宜自主开发具有国际竞争力的核心技术,含对米糠原料的开发与控制;全球约37%的米糠产于中国,米糠油是含不皂化物最多的植物油脂(3.5%~5.2%),不皂化物中70%以上为甾醇,中国是甾醇原料大国。以米糠为原料,在水稻化工厂"4联产"或"9联产"等多联产技术系统中生产谷甾醇,其利润空间较大。
关键词:SARS; 类甾醇; 谷甾醇; 多联产技术系统; 生产工艺
中图分类号:TQ467.8  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2004)01-0008-03
On Feasibility Study of the Project Sterol-Key Intermediate of Cortin, an Anti-SARS Drug
LI Lin-jie~1; LI Jing-song~1; LI Ya-wen~2 (1.Xi'an University of Science and Technology; 240~# Xi'an 710054; China; 2.Wuyi University; Jiangmen 529030; China)
Abstract:As the key intermediate of glucocorticoid-an anti-SARS drug, sitosterin will witness dramatically increasing market demand. It is desirable for China to adopt the strategy of developing its own core technology with global competitiveness, including the development and control of the raw material as rice bran. In recent years, about 37% of rice bran of the whole globe is sourced from China. Rice bran oil is a vegetable oil with most unsaponifiables content (3.5~5.2%), more than 70% of which is sterol. Theref...
Key words:SARS; Steroid; Sitosterin (Sitoserel); Multi-Joint-Products