第 34 卷第 2 期Vol. 34 No. 2
2004 年 4 月Apr 2004


聂春林; 吴艳玲(湖南化工研究院分析测试中心; 湖南长沙)
摘 要:采用填充柱气相色谱法,选用以OV-101为固定相的玻璃柱,用内标法测定E型电热蚊香片中炔丙菊酯的含量。方法的线性相关系数为0.9999,标准偏差为0.043,变异系数为0.34%,回收范围为99.87%~100.07%。
关键词:右旋炔丙菊酯; 邻苯二甲酸二丁酯; 气相色谱; 分析
中图分类号:TQ450.7  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2004)02-0068-01
The Determination of Prallethrim in Electrthermal Sheet by Gas Chromatogragh
NIE Chun-lin; WU Yan-ling(Hunan Research Institute of Chemical Industry; Changsha 410007; China)
Abstract:A Gas Chromatograph method was established to determine prallethrim in electrothermal sheet.Results showed that variation coefficient and linear are 0.34% and 0.9999. The recoveries is 99.87%~100.07%,respectively.
Key words:prallethrim; dibutyl phthalate; gas chromatograph; analyse