第 34 卷第 2 期Vol. 34 No. 2
2004 年 4 月Apr 2004


罗涛(湖南丽臣实业有限公司; 湖南长沙)
摘 要:在采用烷基苯SO3磺化工艺制造烷基苯磺酸过程中,许多装置会遇到含量、色泽不稳定的问题。通过对某合成洗涤剂厂烷基苯SO3磺化设备、工艺等因素的研究分析,对生产工艺进行了系统改进,烷基苯磺酸含量稳定在96%以上,色泽稳定在30klett以下。
关键词:工艺改进; SO3磺化; 烷基苯磺酸
中图分类号:TQ247.51  文献标识码:B  文章编号:1009-9212(2004)02-0065-03
Rebuilding Art for the Sulfonation of Alkylbenzene
LUO Tao (Hunan Resun Industry Co. Ltd.; Changsha 410083; China)
Abstract:After observing the technics of 1t/h wash factory and studying the factors which effect the quality of alkylbenzene sulfonic acid for a trolling of the mole ratio of SO_3/LAB. In that case, A rebuilding project ware designed mostly included the increasing cool area of air designed, the reconstruction of water column, the controlling of the stored temperature and the controlling of the mole ratio of SO_3/LAB etc.
Key words:rebuilding art; controlling of the mole ratio of SO_3/LAB; heat exchange system; sulfonation of sulfur trioxide; alkylbenzene sulfonic acid