第 34 卷第 2 期Vol. 34 No. 2
2004 年 4 月Apr 2004


李雯(湖南金信化工有限责任公司; 湖南冷水江)
摘 要:介绍了造气含氰废水利用生物滤塔处理装置的工艺、设备。重点阐述了生物滤塔中生物膜法的处理技术,以及微生物的驯化和挂膜。装置运行结果表明,处理效果相当明显,经处理后废水中的各项指标均达到了循环使用的标准要求。
关键词:造气; 含氰废水; 生物滤塔; 生物膜
中图分类号:TQ113.29  文献标识码:B  文章编号:1009-9212(2004)02-0059-03
The Treatment Technology for Cyanide-Containing Wastewater
LI Wen (Hunan Jinxin Chemical Co.Ltd.; Lengshuijiang 417506; China)
Abstract:The treatment of plant's craft and equipment utilize biofilter for cyanide-containing wastewater from gas-making process in hunan jinxin chemical Co.Ltd. was introduced. And mainly in the treatment technology and microbe's acclimation and membrane of bio-membrane process in biofilter. The revolve results showed that all the indexes of the treated wastewater can fully meet circle utilize standards, and the efficiency is very obvious.
Key words:gas making process; cyanide-containing wastewater; biofilter; bio-membrane