第 34 卷第 2 期Vol. 34 No. 2
2004 年 4 月Apr 2004


康红梅; 谢建军; 刘洋(湘潭大学高分子材料研究所; 湖南湘潭)
摘 要:用溶液聚合法合成了聚丙烯酸系树脂(PAAS)。研究了反应温度、单体浓度、引发剂用量、交联剂用量及单体中和度对PAAS吸液性能的影响,得到了合成PAAS的较佳工艺条件。此条件下合成的产物在蒸馏水中的吸液倍率为1430g·g-1,在0 9%(m)的NaCl溶液中的吸液倍率为102g·g-1。同时也考察了PAAS在不同离子强度的NaCl、CuCl2,FeCl3和Mg Cl2、CaCl2、BaCl2以及KCl、KBr、KI溶液中的吸液性能。
关键词:聚丙烯酸; 溶液聚合; 吸液性能; 离子强度
中图分类号:TQ325.7  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2004)02-0056-03
Study on Polymerization and Absorbency of Acrylic-Based Polymer
KANG Hong-mei; XIE Jian-jun; LIU Yang (Xiangtan University; Xiangtan 41105; China)
Abstract:Acrylic-Based Polymer(PAAS) was synthesized by aqueous solution polymerizatioin. The influences of monomer concentration, the neutralization, the concentrations of crosslinker, initiator, and the reaction temperature on the absorbency of PAAS were studied, the results showed that the absorbency was of PAAS 1430g/g in distilled water, and 102g/g in 0.9 wt% NaCl solution. The absorbencies of PAAS in different ionic strength of NaCl, CuCl_2, FeCl_3 and MgCl_2,CaCl_2,BaCl_2 and KCl, KBr, KI solutions were given...
Key words:poly(acrylic acid); aqueous solution polymerization; absorbency; ionic strength