第 34 卷第 2 期Vol. 34 No. 2
2004 年 4 月Apr 2004


滕冬成(衡阳三化实业股份有限公司; 湖南衡阳)
摘 要:研究了一种改进的双季戊四醇重结晶工艺,使双季戊四醇的灰份从0.1%以上降至0.05%以下,纯度从80%提高到85%以上,收率比传统重结晶工艺提高10%左右,且成本下降,操作更简便。实验确定的优化工艺条件为:溶解水量1:5~6、溶解水温度60℃、结晶冷却时间6~8h、离心分离温度20℃。
关键词:双季戊四醇; 灰份; 重结晶; 工艺
中图分类号:TQ223.16  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2004)02-0053-03
Study on the New Technology for the Recrystallizaition of Dipentaerythritol
TENG Tong-cheng (Hengyang sanhua enterprise Inc. Hengyang 421002; China)
Abstract:A new technology for recrystallized of DPE was studied, the ash cotent of DPE was reduced from 0.1% to 0.05%, the purity of DPE was inproved from 80% to 85%, the total yield is ligher 10% than that old technology. The optimal coditions was follow as :dissolve water multiple 1:5~6: water temperature 60℃;crystallize cooling time 6-8hours; centrifugal temperature 20℃.
Key words:dipentaerythritol; ash; recrystallize; techlonogy