第 34 卷第 2 期Vol. 34 No. 2
2004 年 4 月Apr 2004


许保恩(石家庄高等师范专科学校化学系; 河北石家庄)
摘 要:对原N,N′ 二苯基硫脲的合成方法进行改进,考察不同种类表面活性剂在单用和复配时对反应的影响,找到较好的活性剂配伍,使反应时间由原来的6h减少到3h,CS2加入量由原来的过量100%降低为过量40%。
关键词:N; N′-二苯基硫脲; 合成; 表面活性剂; 影响
中图分类号:TQ227.2  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2004)02-0051-02
The Affection of Surface Active Agents on the Synthesis of N,N′-Diphenlthiourea
XU Bao-en (Shijiazhuang Teachers College; Shijiazhuang 050801; China)
Abstract:The orignial synthetic method was improved. The affection of different kinds of surface active agent on the reaction was inspected, therefore, a better complex of active agents was chosen. The reaction period is less 3 hours than that of primary technology and the quantity of CS_2 is decreased by 60%.
Key words:N; N′-diphenlthiourea; synthesis; surface active agent; affection