第 34 卷第 2 期Vol. 34 No. 2
2004 年 4 月Apr 2004


唐卫红; 莫章桦(湖南福来格生物技术有限公司; 湖南长沙)
摘 要:以热带假丝酵母(Candidatropicalis)为菌种发酵生产1,13 十三碳二羧酸(DCl3)是现阶段最经济的方法。通过对接种量、补碱工艺、发酵级数和空气流量的优化以及采取中间补加正十三碳烷烃(C13)、延长发酵周期等措施,确定了最佳的DC13发酵工艺,15m3发酵DC13的产量达到850kg,主要原材料正十三碳烷烃的消耗下降了11 6%。
关键词:热带假丝酵母; 1; 13-十三碳二羧酸; 发酵工艺
中图分类号:TQ225.14  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2004)02-0042-03
Study on the Fermentation of Tridecanedioic Acid
TANG Wei-hong; MO Zhang-hua(Hunan Flag Bio-tech.Co.Ltd.; Changsha 410100; China)
Abstract:It is an economic method to produce tridecanedioic acid by the fermentation of candida tropicalis in recent time. In this paper, the optimized fermentation conditions were obtained by investigating seed concentration, alkali supplementation,fermentative grade and aeration volume. The method of alkane supplementation and prolonging fermentation time was also adopted. The yield in 15m~3 fermentation tank reached 850kg and the major cost of material was reduced 11.6%.
Key words:candida tropicalis; tridecanedioic acid; fermentation