第 34 卷第 2 期 | | Vol. 34 No. 2 | 2004 年 4 月 | Apr 2004 |
CrAPO-5和CrAPSO-5的合成及对环己烷氧化的研究 |
黄世勇; 宋艳芬; 王海涛; 高文艺; 樊丽荣; 连丕勇(辽宁石油化工大学材料科学系; 辽宁石油化工大学物理系; 辽宁抚顺) |
摘 要:以三乙胺为模板剂在合成过程中直接加入了硝酸铬及硅溶胶,水热合成了CrAPO 5和CrAPSO 5杂原子磷铝分子筛。以丙酮为溶剂,过氧化氢为氧化剂,考察了环己烷氧化制取环己酮的反应。在反应时间12h、原料配比为n(H2O2)/n(C6H12)=1.0、催化剂通量为0 01~0 05g条件下,环己烷的转化率最高可达到11 0%,酮醇比可达到1 39。 |
关键词:环己烷; 环己酮; 催化氧化; 杂原子; 磷铝分子筛 |
中图分类号:TQ231.1+4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-9212(2004)02-0014-03 |
The Synthesis of CrAPO-5 and CrAPSO-5 Molecular Sieves and the Study on Cyclohexane Oxidation |
HUANG Shi-yong~1; SONG Yan-fen~1; WANG Hai-tao~1; GAO Wen-yi~1; FAN Li-rong~2; LIAN Pi-yong~1 (1.Department of Material Science; Liaoning University of Petroleum & Chemical Technology; China; 2.Department of Physics; Fushun 113001; China) |
Abstract:The CrAPO-5 and CrAPSO-5 were synthesized hydrothermally using triethylammonium as organic template, and the soluble silica and chromic nitrate were directly added in the process of synthesis. The reaction was studied, which used acetone as solvent and hydroperoxide as oxidant to produce cyclohexanone. When time is 12h, n(H_2O_2)/n(C_6H_(12)) is equal to 1.0 and the amount of catalysts is between 0.01g and 0.05g, the conversion ratio of cyclohexane can most come to 11.0% and the molar ratio of cyclohexnone ... |
Key words:cyclohexane; cyclohexanone; catalytic oxidation; heteroatom; aluminophosphate molecular sieves |
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