第 34 卷第 3 期Vol. 34 No. 3
2004 年 6 月Jun 2004


黄军左; 刘宝生; 陈小平; 王乐夫(茂名学院化工研究所; 广东茂名)
摘 要:对环氧乙烷羰基合成1,3 丙二醇的催化体系进行了初步研究。针对一步法和二步法的技术路线,考察了不同催化条件对反应结果的影响,如主催化剂、膦配体、促进剂、活化剂和溶剂等。结果表明:Co/PR3催化剂体系适用于合成反应,适宜的促进剂有利于环氧乙烷羰基化制1,3 丙二醇,一步法优于二步法。
关键词:环氧乙烷; 羰基合成; 1; 3-丙二醇
中图分类号:TQ223.16  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2004)03-0029-03
The Principal Studies on Composition of Catalyst to Synthesize 1,3-Propanediol from Ethylene Oxide
HUANG Jun-zuo; LIU Bao-sheng; CHEN Xiao-ping; WANG Le-fu (Maoming College; Maoming 525000; China)
Abstract:The hydroformylation of 1,3-propanediol from ethylene oxide was summarized by one-step and two-step. The catalyst conditions of 1,3-propanediol were researched, such as main catalyst, accelerant, solvent, etal. It was found that the effect of the various compositions of catalyst with CO/PR3 was held true, and agreeable accelerant was of great advantage to synthesize. The yield of 1,3-propanediol by One-step was better than that by two-step.
Key words:Ethylene oxide; Hydroformylation; 1; 3-Propanediol