第 34 卷第 4 期Vol. 34 No. 4
2004 年 8 月Aug 2004


梅群波; 杜乃婴; 吕满庚(中国科学院广州化学研究所广东省电子有机聚合物材料重点实验室; 广东广州)
摘 要:烯丙基氯是一类重要的化学原料,具有广泛的应用价值。评述了烯丙基氯及其衍生物的合成方法和应用情况。
关键词:氯丙烯; 衍生物; 制备; 应用
中图分类号:TQ222.4+25  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2004)04-0001-07
Preparation and Application of Allyl Chloride and its Derivates
MEI; Qun-bo; DU Nai-ying; LU Man-geng u Institute of Chemistry; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Guangzhou 510650; China)
Abstract:Allyl chloride is an important chemical material, having high potential for practical applications. The purpose of this article is to provide a comprehensive and critical review to the properties, preparation and application of allyl chloride and its derivates.
Key words:allyl chloride; derivate; preparation; application