第 34 卷第 6 期Vol. 34 No. 6
2004 年 12 月Dec 2004


朱文明(常州工程职业技术学院应化系; 江苏常州)
摘 要:对固相法和液相法合成氰尿酸的方法进行比较,采用比色法测定缩二脲含量,用甲醛测定尿素、缩二脲的总氮量,由缩二脲的含量、总氮量推算出尿素的含量及产品的纯度,从而说明液相法的优势。以不同溶剂加热脱氢生产氰尿酸的收率和纯度做了对比实验,并通过选择确定硅油210 50是一种新型的理想的和廉价的溶剂。
关键词:氰尿酸; 固相法; 液相法; 溶剂
中图分类号:O626  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2004)06-0045-02
The Contrast of Solid and Liquid Hromatography to Synthesize Cyanuric Acid
ZHU Wen-ming ( Changzhu Institute of Engineering Technology; Changzhou 213004; China)
Abstract:The ways for synthesizing cyanuric acid by solid and liquid chromatography were compared. The content of biuret by colorimetry and the total content of nitrogen in urea and biuret were mensurated. Then,some contrastive experiments on producing cyanuric acid by heating up different kinds of solvent to eliminate hydrogen were done. According to the contrastive results of the collection rate and the purity of cyanuric acid, the silicone oil 210-50 is not only a new and perfect, but also a kind of cheap solven...
Key words:cyanuric acid; solid chromatography; liquid chromatography; solvent