第 34 卷第 6 期Vol. 34 No. 6
2004 年 12 月Dec 2004


王玉芳; 刘杰; 刘岗(锦州石化公司; 锦州石化精细化工有限公司; 辽宁锦州)
摘 要:以催化重整C9芳烃分离装置分离出均三甲苯、偏三甲苯后的副产品重组分溶剂(169~178℃馏分)—混合C9芳烃为原料,其中含连三甲苯40%~50%,以三氯化铝为催化剂与异丁烯进行烷基化反应,合成出5 叔丁基 1,2,3 三甲基苯中间体,经蒸馏后,用混酸进行硝化反应得到西藏麝香。本方法不但具有工艺路线简单,生产成本低的特点,同时也解决了富集连三甲苯的利用问题。
关键词:西藏麝香; C9芳烃; 异丁烯
中图分类号:TQ246.1  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2004)06-0037-02
A new Process for Synthesis of Musk Tibetene
WANG Yu-fang~1; LIU Jie~2; LIU Gang~2 (1.Jinzhou Petrochemical Co.; Jinzhou 121001; China; 2.Jinzhou Petrochemical-finechemical Co.Ltd.; China)
Abstract:In this process , the heavy fraction solvent (169~178℃)— mixed C_(9) aromatic hydrocarbon, namely, the by-product of mesitylene and pseudocumene which were separated from C_(9) aromatic hydrocarbon catalytic reforming separation facility , will be the feedstock which was alkylated by isobutene in presence of aluminium trichloride as catalyst to synthesize 5-tert-butyl-1,2,3 trimethyl benzene intermediate product which , after distillation ,was nitrated with nitro-sulfuric acid to obtain Musk Tibetene. This ...
Key words:Musk Tibetene; C_(9) aromatic hydrocarbon; isobutene