第 35 卷第 1 期Vol. 35 No. 1
2005 年 2 月Feb 2005


吴永兰(湖南安淳高新技术有限公司; 湖南长沙)
摘 要:将粒度为0.150 mm的广东、湖南等地产的红甜椒干粉进行辣椒红色素的提取试验。研究得出:将浓度为95%的AR级乙醇以1:16 g/ml的料液配比在50 ℃下提取3 h为提取辣椒红素的优化条件。过滤浓缩后所得红棕色油状辣椒红色素的 ASTA值≥1000,汞含量≤0.01 mg/kg,为油溶性食用天然红色素。该色素在弱酸性至弱碱性范围内稳定,热稳定性也好,但耐强光性较差,若将色素溶解在油脂中则其光稳定性增强。此提取工艺因省去了除辣工序而变得简便。甜椒红色素属于β-胡萝卜素类物质,既有天然色素的作用,又兼有维生素之营养强化剂的功效。
关键词:辣椒红素; 天然色素; 色素提取; 辣椒
中图分类号:TQ203.3  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2005)01-0062-04
The Extraction of the Red Pigment from Sweet Paper and the Study of its Propertie
WU Yong-lan(Hunan Anchun Advanced Technology Co.; LTD; Changsha 410015; China)
Abstract:The extraction of natural red pigment from different kinds of peppers of Guangdong province and Hunan province was researched. The results showed that sweet pepper from Guangdong province is the best candidate for extraction and the best extracting conditions are as follows: alcohol solution (95%) as menstruum, the ratio of powder and menstruum at 1:16g/ml and at the temperature of 50 ℃ for 3 h. The condensed umber oily product has high ASTA value ( ≥1000) and Hg (mercury) element lower than 0.01 mg/kg. The...
Key words:red pepper; natural pigment; extraction