第 35 卷第 2 期Vol. 35 No. 2
2005 年 4 月Apr 2005


游剑飞; 肖旭辉(湖南海利高新技术产业集团有限公司; 湖南化工研究院; 湖南长沙)
摘 要:以对叔丁基苯酚和环氧环己烷作为起始原料,经过开环,氯磺化,酯化合成克螨特。探讨了反应机理和优惠工艺条件,总收率>81%,产品含量>92%。
关键词:杀螨剂; 克螨特; 合成
中图分类号:TQ454.2  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2005)02-0037-02
The Synthesis Research of Acaricide Propargite
YOU Jian-fei; XIAO Xu-hui (1.Hunan Haili High and New Technology Group Co. Ltd; Changsha 410007; China; 2.Hunan Research Institute of Chemical Industry; China)
Abstract:propargite was synthesized from p-tert-butylphenol and cyclohexene oxide by ring-opening, sulfochlorizating and esterificating. the reaction mechanism and optimum conditions was studied. Total yield is over 81%, purity over 92%.
Key words:acaricide; propargite; synthesis