第 35 卷第 3 期Vol. 35 No. 3
2005 年 6 月Jun 2005


吴卫(湖南省化工职业技术学院化学工程系; 湖南株洲)
摘 要:针对目前国内邻氯氯苄生产工艺存在的主要问题,通过采用先进的反应精馏技术,改进氯化合成工艺,将反应转化率提高到78%,从而有效地降低了生产成本,经济效益和社会效益显著,具有很好推广应用前景。
关键词:邻氯氯苄; 生产工艺; 改进; 氯化; 精馏
中图分类号:TQ242  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2005)03-0057-03
Improvement of Process for o-Chlorobenzyl Chloride
WU Wei(Hunan college of chemical technique; Zhuzhou 412004; China)
Abstract:According to the key problems of current domestic synthesis process of 2-Chlorobenzyl Chloride, effective improvement had been studied by applying advanced reaction rectification technology to increase the reaction conversion to 78%; Therefore, the production cost was reduced. The results indicated that the improvement is of remarkable economic and social benefits with prospects of being applied extensively.
Key words:2-Chlorobenzyl Chloride; synthesisprocess; improvement; chloration; Rectification