第 35 卷第 3 期Vol. 35 No. 3
2005 年 6 月Jun 2005


韦鑫; 班淼; 黄锁义; 韦国锋(右江民族医学院临床医学; 广西百色)
摘 要:采用乙醇沉淀法从橙子皮中提取果胶;并对萃取时间、萃取液pH值、萃取温度、果胶酶和水质及其它因素等对果胶的影响进行了研究。
关键词:橙子皮; 果胶; 萃取; 乙醇沉淀法
中图分类号:TS209  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2005)03-0055-02
Extraction of Pectin from Orange Peel
WEI Xin~(1); BAN Miao~(1); HUANG Suo-yi~(2); WEI Guo-feng~(2)(1. Department of Clinical; Youjiang Medical College for Nationalities; Baise 533000; China; 2.Department of Chemistry; China)
Abstract:Extraction conditions of pectin from orange peel were carried out in the laboratory by the ethyl alcohol precipitating method. Results showed that extraction time, pH value, temperature, pectin ferment, water quality and extraction volume had an obvious effect on extraction output of pectin. Good extraction of pectin was observed under the conditions of 1h extraction time, pH 1, temperature 90℃, stilled water, pectin enzyme inactivation and low extraction volume.
Key words:orange peel; pectin; extraction; elthyl alcohol precipitating method