第 35 卷第 4 期Vol. 35 No. 4
2005 年 8 月Aug 2005


叶强; 张爱民; 周燎原(巴陵石油化工有限责任公司合成橡胶事业部; 四川大学国家高分子材料与工程重点实验室; 湖南岳阳; 四川成都)
摘 要:研究了PA6/SEBS和PA6/SEBS-g-MAH共混体系与PA6/SEBS/SEBS-g-MAH三元共混体系的力学性能与流变性能变化。结果表明,采用SEBS增韧尼龙6,控制SEBS和SEBS-g-MAH的比例,在SEBS总量为20%时能够制得超韧性的尼龙6,缺口冲击强度可达到90kJ/m2以上。PA6/SEBS表现出不相容共混体系的流变行为,PA6/SEBS-g-MAH共混体系高于共混物中任一组分的粘度,反映出共混后增强了两相的界面相互作用。三元共混体系的粘度表现为SEBS和SEBS-g-MAH共同作用结果。
关键词:SEBS; 改性; MAH; 物理性能
中图分类号:TQ330.7  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-9212(2005)04-0063-04
Study on the Physical Properties of SEBS-g-MAH Modifying PA6
YE qiang1; ZHANG Ai-ming2; ZHOU Liao-yuan1 (1. Synthetic Rubber Plant Baling Petrochemical CO.; Ltd; Yueyang 414014; China; (2. Research institute of Polymer materials and Engineering Sichuan university; Chendu 610065; China)
Abstract:Mechanical and rheological properties have been investigated of PA6/SEBS blends ,PA6/SEBS-g-MAH blends and PA6/SEBS/SEBS-g-MAH blends in this paper. The results showed that touchening PA6 is available and the impact strength was above 90 KJ/m2 when the total amount of SEBS is 20% adopting SEBS modifying PA6.PA6/SEBS blends act as imcompatibility rheology ,PA6/SEBS-g-MAH have the highest viscosity among the blends,the action of interphase is strengthened after blending.Viscosity of PA6/SEBS/SEBS-g-MAH is the...
Key words:SEBS; modification; MAH; physical properties